Frank Walker Barr

And never lived in Japan? We are talking about Kobe beef, right?

Prague was great in the early 1990s. Before they fully learned capitalism. These days they even charge entry to the Golden Lane.

And Dublin is far less provincial than you'd think for Ireland as well.

Ha! I win! I don't care about soccer either. I also don't get why sports is seen as such a masculine heterosexual hobby. Surely watching scantily clad males run about should be more of a thing for the heterosexual women and gay males, no?

I think the movie had problems, but it was clearly just a nickname for the mineral within the universe of the movie, just like Whole Paycheck isn't the actual name of the overpriced grocery store in ours.

Not that this is what will happen, but there could be an interesting story about Alexey Pajitnov, the original Tetris programmer in the Soviet Union and how he didn't get royalties for his amazing creation until the late 1990s.

And, (yes I've mentioned it before), the 1892 opera Pagliacci featured a killer clown.

They seem to be doing pretty well at Disney parks.

In the Madison, WI area, there was a chain called "Red Baron" that had its first locations in former Red Barn locations. All they had to add was an O on the sign.

And won't these haters feel horrible in a few years when furries become the next group to champion when people finally get over the transexual rest room thing.

They should just consolidate and serve roast manatee.

Fair enough. But having your suspects threatened by the mob?

It is pretty obvious that Orwell was writing about the then Soviet Union and using "the future" in much the same way Star Trek did to talk about the present metaphorically. Big Brother is a guy who demonized his Jewish rival Goldstein to rule a oppressive society that is constantly talking about how it surpassed its

Exactly. Although it was too close for comfort for Peter Bryant/George (same person), and he sued (settled out of court). But there was a critical difference in the scenario. "Red Alert" like "Dr. Strangelove" had the war started by a mentally ill general. "Fail Safe" (book and movie) had the system itself be the

If you liked Fail-Safe check out the book "Red Alert" by Peter Bryant which was mentioned in the article — Dr. Strangelove as a serious technothriller.

Yeah, I don't think even David Cameron would do Maggie, alive *or* dead.

She's a crooked cop who hangs out with the mob and even has them threaten suspects for her. Oh, and illegally records people with her carrot pen.

Except Julia came onto *him*. Winston actually thought she was an agent of the secret police and was following him around for that reason before she spelled out what she wanted.

So predators are Jewish and have Bar Mitzvahs in Zootopia?

Ah, but maybe the modern equivalent to bragging about how you found a cool music or book shop in Amsterdam or Brussels or whatever is to say "You'll never guess what cool shows Netflix has on demand in Luxembourg that aren't here!"