Frank Walker Barr

I like Bojack's credits, but the brilliance of Rick & Morty's credits is that they are only parodying the traditional clip show credit format. Most (all?) of the "clips" never happened in the show.

Weird Science was weak but In my view, Hughes' real low point was Home Alone. I know the Millennials love it as a classic. It's a generational thing, I guess.

Actually, as a fellow GenXer, I don't recall us being that idealistic. I thought that what distinguished us was our realism compared to the Boomers — we *knew* the system was fucked and we couldn't do a damn thing about it so we might as well live out our lives as best as possible under the circumstances.

I liked how he even threw in references to his non-fiction work in there. Eco wrote a book called "The Search for the Perfect Language" which was both about people arguing about what language God was talking to Adam and Eve in, as well as the movements to create rational artificial languages like Esperanto. Anyway, at

How can anyone understand the character of Monty Burns without seeing Citizen Kane?

Unfortunately Phillip Seymour Hoffman is dead because he resembled me so much. Okay, he was somewhat better looking, but "Hollywood ugly" isn't the same as real life ugly

"Love is more important than saving the human race" and "If you have the ability to influence the past, act like a spooky ghost than can be dismissed as a childish fantasy rather than actually spell out who you are, when you are, and exactly what needs to be done" basically put Interstellar on the level of Prometheus

Plus, it has trains! Trains are cool.

That would only be a problem if he was a cannibal

Well, I learned the rules enough to follow a game, which was kind of a social necessity. I haven't really kept up with it in the years since returning though.

In Canada that's what they drink rather than Bloody Marys (I'm American but lived in Canada for five years). You get used to it.

It was brutal. But I suspect more realistic than how "poor Martha" in "The Americans" keeps staying alive. As for Martin running off and shagging Yvonne, I don't think it was because he was callous but that he was in shock. Some people seek solace in a bottle, others in sex.

Well, to be fair, the same thing happened with real spies. Several people tried to expose Kim Philby as a Soviet spy but were dismissed because the idea that a guy like Philby coming from an upper class British family and with a Cambridge education would be a Soviet spy was considered absurd.

Acoustic attack. It's a real thing. You *can* figure out what's being typed by the resulting noise because keys don't make the same noise. What was unrealistic in this case is that while *today* it can be automated and done in real time, in the 1980s it was almost certainly done via humans studying a recording for

I remember it because it was the first movie I found pirated on the Internet. This was around 2000 and while downloading pirated MP3s was a thing for a couple of years, movies were a new frontier of piracy.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8! Schmoel! Schlimazel! Hasenpfeffer Incorporated!" [skips through 1950s Milwaukee as filmed in 1970s Los Angeles]

Yes. There's a difference between mocking stupid beliefs and mocking races because hopefully faced with enough mocking people can wake up and become rational. Not really possible to change one's race (although MJ tried, I suppose).

Well, they haven't been bothering NIH in Bethesda much lately, at least. Not that I'm complaining.

Michael Barkun's book "A Culture of Conspiracy" goes into great detail how many conspiracy theories embraced by the right wing actually originated in left-wing circles and vice versa.

For years Netflix streaming just had the first two seasons. Which, granted, is better than now, which is zero seasons