Frank Walker Barr

Remind me not to give you a suit of powered armor, Morty.

I wonder if the modern world of Facebook and Twitter has lessened this sort of nostalgia in real life. I mean when I wonder if things would have been better if I had hooked up with a girl I used to know 20 years ago, I can just find her Facebook profile.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Wouldn't that title imply that somebody *else* was the devil and that Pacino character as his lawyer was simply advocating on his behalf? It wasn't titled The Devil's an Advocate.

This is 2015. The druggies have been displaced for more condos for Google employees.

The potent combination of naïveté and brash disconnect from reality has paid dividends for some of the premier comic talents earning cult adoration today; without Chris, there would be no Freddy Got Fingered, which shares with the character a penchant for destruction and a fraught father-son dynamic.

Rats were the cause of the bubonic plague, but that's some time ago. I propose to you, any disease a rat could spread, a squirrel could equally carry. Would you agree?

Below the foundations of a former Vegas casino where Sinatra and the rest of the Rat Pack hung out, is Iron Man's most secret base… the Stark Bunker Sands!

Also, the favorite of the late Kim-Jong-Il

Exactly. I hope Dr. Krieger makes a point of bringing his girlfriend to a show.

We are talking about the Drew Barrymore Cinderella one? Yeah, It's kind of a cute picture.

Before the Internet, these were the sorts of people who built incredibly detailed railroad layouts in their basements or models of the Taj Mahal out of popsicle sticks, which were arguably worse uses of their time.

Do they state the actual number or just that it's finite? There are some really big finite numbers…

Dying Agent: "This absolutely, positively, must be postmarked by midnight tonight!" (hands over Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes entry).

Pretty sure Dubya and his cronies like Cheney were Boomers. GenX didn't bring the war or the recession — we still don't have the power in any real sense. Even Obama is still technically a Boomer.

Some of his later works (like VALIS) were semi-coherent and showed signs of being written while not entirely sober, but "The Man in the High Castle" is as coherent as any other alternate history novel.

Also the idea that some of the Japanese sincerely want to help rebuild America (albeit as a heavily Japanese-influenced nation) is a commentary on what actually happened to Japan after the war, of course.

You're just jealous of Tiny Rick's popularity at school. Tiny RICK!

Yeah, people have claimed that "The Martian" is basically an extended version of that scene in Apollo 13 where the Nasa engineers are trying to jury-rig filters out of parts the astronauts have access to. I think this does have human interest to the people who can identify with the engineers. Not all of us are cut out

It could be a reference to the philosopher Diogenes, who lived in a barrel (sometimes described as a tub) in the marketplace.