Frank Walker Barr

"That's German for 'The Hipster The"

Or the player character in Ultima (after Ultima IV where the quest was to become the Avatar)

That used to be my purposeful misunderstanding when the 2005 one was popular and people wanted to talk about it. "interesting. I never would have thought you would be into people getting turned on by auto accidents. Have you read much Ballard yourself? Personally I like his more normal apocalypse novels from the

You make it sound like being old enough to have seen Tron in the theatre and hence witness the evolution of CGI would make one incredibly elderly.

JW also had a woman machine-gunning down a pterodactyl to save her boyfriend, though. Fury Road was hailed/decried as a feminist manifesto for less.

Hannibal? The marginally popular show that just got cancelled? And except for maybe Doctor Who, nothing in British television comes anywhere near the X-Files in popularity or lucrativeness.

Maybe. But I seriously doubt Stewart will ever have anything as lucrative as the Daily Show again. Celebrities just get too proud. Then they have to come crawling back. Case in point, Gillian Anderson. She seriously thought she was a star destined for far greater things than the X-Files. Now she realizes that that was

Maybe because it is a scam? I'm not particularly fond of religion in general, but I have a particular distaste for those created in the modern era as it is extremely difficult to believe that their founders sincerely believed in their bullshit rather than just being cons trying to make a buck. No, Wiccans don't have

Putin the Shirtless is keeping the dream of nuclear war alive, though.

Sam's a normal working class dude. Who yes, is practically in love with rich hero Frodo (although Sam ends up marrying a girl in the end, unlike Frodo or Bilbo)

Not all stood the test of time, but:

But you get to see whatever they've decided to call the "Quarter Pounder", as Pulp Fiction pointed out. Plus, they really do tend to serve local items like ramen or lobster or whatever, so that's interesting.

And in the British version, David Mitchell (PC) and Robert Webb (Mac)

Tandy actually had a fairly long run, though. They weren't just about the PC compatibles in the late 1980s — there were the TRS-80 Models I-IV, which were quite popular in the late 1970s-early 1980s, the TRS-80 Color Computer (Coco), which was somewhat popular in the early 1980s, plus the TRS-80 Model 100, basically

The joke was that in the George Romero movies, which basically invented the zombie genre, they never call them "zombies" but just vague terms like "those things". So Shaun is doing it in homage.

Play it in a language you don't know well. Or at all. I currently like to play it in Catalan which I've never studied but can sort of figure out from my non-fluent knowledge of French and Spanish.

I always wondered if that meant that, like in the BSG reboot, Wall-E was taking place in our past rather than in our future

How about missing ESPN Zone? I'm not even really a sports guy, but I loved those while they existed. It was fun to play those games when visiting - sort of a Chuck E Cheese for grown-ups.

"Joshua is hired by a billionaire, also named Joshua Cohen (but referred to as the Principal, thankfully), to ghostwrite his memoirs."

Thanks for explaining what a "cocktail ring" was. It isn't that I'm too young (I was in my twenties in 1995), but I had never heard the term, and from the EW illustration I was maybe thinking it was an actual Martini glass as a ring and I wondered how that would balance.