Frank Walker Barr

You stop insulting Jessica Tandy Walter!

Not that this defends Bud in any way as a product, but they specifically were mocking the sort of craft beer that are flavored with stuff like peach and pumpkin, which really *are* for people who don't like beer. The Reinheitsgebot 4eva. Of course Bud itself would fail as much as pumpkin ales, since it has rice in it.

Yes, "The Ascent of Man" really *started* that type of program — where the narrator says things like "I'm walking now on the grounds of a manor house where in 1756…" and are actually filmed on location. It seems obvious now, but before that such programs were generally organized like university lectures with a guy in

How about the Samuel L. Jackson character starts eating right, with lots of whole grains and green vegetables? He is then renamed Mr. Fiberglass.

Okay, maybe the issue is that the guy happens to be Latino, but really, have none of you ever had a similar scene where *someone* you helped out, an intern you supervised maybe, comes to thank you for giving them the push they needed?

Is this serious? I find Aliens to be the only one of the series to be watchable. And the only one with a coherent plot.

Newt Lives!

I always thought it was funny that people would care about the term. Like the issue between "Trotskyist" and "Trotskyite".

I love NIMH — that is "Mrs. Frisby (note, not Brisby) and the Rats of NIMH". So much so that I work at the NIH (although not at NIMH itself). What I don't love is the movie that gutted the book and its moral.

To be fair, this idea has a long history. George Orwell wrote "Keep the Aspidistra Flying" in 1936, which was about an advertising executive giving up his steady job to become a full time author to "be truer to himself". Orwell at least is honest enough to show how the character's life becomes much, much harder after

Election? Nah. Reese should have gotten it for 1996's Freeway, where she played a juvie who was attacked by a psycho while hitchhiking, but was jailed as the offender in the conflict.

True. Most of what we know about them are from early Christian missionaries condemning the Slavic gods.

The Norse/Germanic pantheon seems to have a pretty good showing in games as well. But yeah, when was the last time Dažbog, Jarilo, Lada, and the rest of the pre-Christian Slavic pantheon showed up?

I understand the frustration with journalists who don't question authority, but you don't have to be non-objective to do that. An worthwhile objective journalist would have pressed and pressed Dubya to either give evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq or to admit he lied. Not because he was an agent of the

Stalin was very kind to his elderly mother.

Interactive Fiction for the win!

But Earth is clearly the home planet of humans. We have hominid fossils and everything. If humans got to Coruscant, they must have come from Earth. Yes, I know it said "a long time ago", but maybe the Toltecs had space travel. Didn't the original Battlestar Galactica claim the space humans were of Toltec origin or

This reminds me of Robot Chicken's mock prostrate cancer PSA involving Optimus Prime.

But Rubicon is a scrabble word (not to mention a series that everyone interested in "The Americans" should watch if they haven't already), and it too is a name of a river.

Oh come on, didn't the title "Hits Misses" occur to the author?