
See this?  This is me putting my dunce cap on.  You are both absolutely right; Hannibal is spectacular (I'm about three episodes behind), and I'm wrong for doubting you.

Can I just say that I absolutely love and respect Zack's DS9 reviews here?  They inspire such verve and dedication amongst his readers that everyone does their best to spare him from spoilers, so he can enjoy the franchise it was meant to be enjoyed.  And that's not even counting the wonderful commentators (See

Name one that has debuted in the last year…

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus, I was thinking the same thing!  I always thought the uterine replicator technology in the Vorkosigan series was a great example of technology drastically changing societal mores, even though it was only hinted at in the series.  I always wondered how altered Barrayar would become as a result

Oh my god.  I can see you again!

Up or down? UP OR DOWN!?

Mr. neurozach, break down this wall!

Will it be a review of his scathing critique of the current state of Hollywood movie making? That may be the only thing powerful enough to save me.


Help me, Narrator! You're my only hope (unless someone else here has a good suggestion).

The new firewall at work blocks disqus but not the AV Club pages proper.

@avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7:disqus, glad to hear you're healing!

@avclub-a452630477eb936fd36fc9a9542d4598:disqus, oh no, please don't!  I wasn't trying to play the one-up game or anything.  Posting on here is cathartic for me and for you as well, I imagine.  I would certainly hope I don't stifle this outlet for you.

@avclub-a452630477eb936fd36fc9a9542d4598:disqus, I'm really sorry about work.  I commiserate because I have my big yearly project due in June that basically requires 70+ hours a week until then.  Good luck to you; I really hope you have more "take on the world" days than the latter.

@avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7:disqus. thank you.  It is and will continue to.  Just trying to get as much done one day at a time.

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus, you're welcome (and, really, thank you for all your support a few weeks back).

@LJo1:disqus Thank you!

Oh dear.  Sorry about the stress, and I hope you feel better soon.  I'd give you a hug, but…*very, very lightly pats @avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus on the shoulder*

@avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7:disqus, good deal on your wisdom teeth.  Sorry about the vicodin, though; one would have thought that'd be the fun part.

@avclub-8960b60364cfbb5ea071c2507704fb2a:disqus, I would rather think its deliciousness would depend on the amount of starch they used, no?