
"Easily the most jarring part of the episode was Diane and Will’s
pronouncement that a lurid case of a rich husband who may have been
offed by his cheating wife for the cash would be enough for the firm to
buy back the 27th floor and get out of the red."

My guess is that he chooses something from Urge Overkill.  He loathes those guys with a passion.

My guess is that he chooses something from Urge Overkill.  He loathes those guys with a passion.

Thanks, @avclub-2c8e5fa1342ec5a5feb9fb5749fe4b00:disqus.  Like many of your fans, I am eagerly looking forward to the Tourney of Champions and will buy it as soon as it comes out.

Thanks, @avclub-2c8e5fa1342ec5a5feb9fb5749fe4b00:disqus.  Like many of your fans, I am eagerly looking forward to the Tourney of Champions and will buy it as soon as it comes out.

This part made me laugh:

This part made me laugh:

Not necessarily — Andrea Mackris, the woman who accused Bill O'Reilly of sexual harassment, had to make a public statement that Bill did nothing wrong (and Bill had to make a similar statement about Andrea) as part of the settlement.

Not necessarily — Andrea Mackris, the woman who accused Bill O'Reilly of sexual harassment, had to make a public statement that Bill did nothing wrong (and Bill had to make a similar statement about Andrea) as part of the settlement.

"Further complicating matters, defuse and diffuse are in some senses very close in meaning, particularly when diffuse is used to mean soften by spreading out. Writers often use diffuse to mean soften, even when by spreading out doesn’t apply." — http://grammarist.com/usage…

"Further complicating matters, defuse and diffuse are in some senses very close in meaning, particularly when diffuse is used to mean soften by spreading out. Writers often use diffuse to mean soften, even when by spreading out doesn’t apply." — http://grammarist.com/usage…

Okay, I should have said there's no point in me trying to discuss how unfunny the character was, as I didn't think I could add anything to that particular conversation.  The "comedy" bits were cringeworthy.

Okay, I should have said there's no point in me trying to discuss how unfunny the character was, as I didn't think I could add anything to that particular conversation.  The "comedy" bits were cringeworthy.

There's no point in getting into how unfunny "edgy" comedienne Therese Dodd was, but about this:

There's no point in getting into how unfunny "edgy" comedienne Therese Dodd was, but about this:

I thought she was passable in Changing Lanes, but she didn't have much screen time in that movie.  And amusing in Saving Silverman, when she had to play a one-dimensional shrew.  But that's pretty much it as far as Amanda Peet movies in which she doesn't annoy me.

I thought she was passable in Changing Lanes, but she didn't have much screen time in that movie.  And amusing in Saving Silverman, when she had to play a one-dimensional shrew.  But that's pretty much it as far as Amanda Peet movies in which she doesn't annoy me.

Hey @avclub-2c8e5fa1342ec5a5feb9fb5749fe4b00:disqus, I buy all of your bonus episodes and Benson Interruption episodes on iTunes, and I have to ask:  what order are your "albums" (as in All Albums for "doug benson") in, anyway?  They're not grouped by type, they're not alphabetical, they're not chronological (which

Hey @avclub-2c8e5fa1342ec5a5feb9fb5749fe4b00:disqus, I buy all of your bonus episodes and Benson Interruption episodes on iTunes, and I have to ask:  what order are your "albums" (as in All Albums for "doug benson") in, anyway?  They're not grouped by type, they're not alphabetical, they're not chronological (which

If it comes out that someone remembers Kalinda sniffing the trunk eight hours before a non-anonymous person called it in, things get worse.