You can come to a settlement that does not require the defendant to pay damages, so in these cases the attorneys representing the plaintiff would indeed get the short end of the stick. Or they would if they didn't have a retainer.
You can come to a settlement that does not require the defendant to pay damages, so in these cases the attorneys representing the plaintiff would indeed get the short end of the stick. Or they would if they didn't have a retainer.
You can settle out of court or drop a lawsuit at pretty much any time (though it usually gets harder leading up to trial, and prejudice usually attaches during the trial), but they'd still have to pay legal fees, which would cost a pretty penny for retaining the high quality legal services of a firm like…
You can settle out of court or drop a lawsuit at pretty much any time (though it usually gets harder leading up to trial, and prejudice usually attaches during the trial), but they'd still have to pay legal fees, which would cost a pretty penny for retaining the high quality legal services of a firm like…
Yeah, everyone is focusing on how annoying the Nick-Kalinda relationship is and the strangeness of the campaign worker's claim that Alicia gave the green light to her sleeping with her husband, but as absurd as those subplots were, they aren't nearly as unrealistic as the resolution of the case of the week. That's…
Yeah, everyone is focusing on how annoying the Nick-Kalinda relationship is and the strangeness of the campaign worker's claim that Alicia gave the green light to her sleeping with her husband, but as absurd as those subplots were, they aren't nearly as unrealistic as the resolution of the case of the week. That's…
I'm with you, @UWIR:disqus: there is no way that Lockhart Gardner and Associates doesn't get their third (after expenses).
I'm with you, @UWIR:disqus: there is no way that Lockhart Gardner and Associates doesn't get their third (after expenses).
But Gross is having none of it, refusing to settle with the clients and instead hiring them, knowing that the firm gets nothing under that arrangement.
But Gross is having none of it, refusing to settle with the clients and instead hiring them, knowing that the firm gets nothing under that arrangement.
Judge John Hodgman: The Mother Tongue
Judge Hodgman and his guests get into the issue of how best to raise a child in a bilingual household, specifically when one parent knows as little of the second language as the child, but the episode never quite springs to life, despite a welcome detour into Esperanto. [ST]
Judge John Hodgman: The Mother Tongue
Judge Hodgman and his guests get into the issue of how best to raise a child in a bilingual household, specifically when one parent knows as little of the second language as the child, but the episode never quite springs to life, despite a welcome detour into Esperanto. [ST]
Or, as others have mentioned, maybe Maddie is just playing a long game to get Alicia into office. I have to say, that's a lot more plausible (and a lot less fun) than my suggestion above.
Or, as others have mentioned, maybe Maddie is just playing a long game to get Alicia into office. I have to say, that's a lot more plausible (and a lot less fun) than my suggestion above.
Really intrigued by what Maura Tierney's intentions really are. Again,
she's a really magnetic screen presence and her scenes with Margulies
had a fun dynamic to them (and she's still as gorgeous as ever), but I
worry they may turn her into a heel of sorts.
Really intrigued by what Maura Tierney's intentions really are. Again,
she's a really magnetic screen presence and her scenes with Margulies
had a fun dynamic to them (and she's still as gorgeous as ever), but I
worry they may turn her into a heel of sorts.
Thank you, fellow baby. @avclub-70c79fc58b2c3e2785355b37573f2f56:disqus should count himself lucky that he doesn't have to shave or otherwise depilate his back.
Thank you, fellow baby. @avclub-70c79fc58b2c3e2785355b37573f2f56:disqus should count himself lucky that he doesn't have to shave or otherwise depilate his back.
Nolan, once mischievous and soft-handed is…well, he’s still mischievous,
but he’s curled those hands into fists (likely owing to any number of
perilous situations he found himself in last season. The guy is like
catnip for trouble)
Nolan, once mischievous and soft-handed is…well, he’s still mischievous,
but he’s curled those hands into fists (likely owing to any number of
perilous situations he found himself in last season. The guy is like
catnip for trouble)
Absolutely — Lee almost certainly wouldn't bring in $60 million over the next few months, but there was the recent case (in "Alienation of Affection", if I remember correctly) which brought in millions for the firm. But I'm not a lawyer, and I have no idea if the divorce groups of real-life Lockhart, Gardner, and…