
I hear ya about the harshing the mellow bit.  Still, it was good for a couple minutes of speculation on my part.

"(Edited by author 8 minutes ago)"

I mostly agree with the "not belonging on a list of podcasts at all" bit.  I don't listen to it as often as I used to, but the original reporting (I'm thinking of the drug diversion court episode and the Magnetar episode) is pretty amazing. 

I don't argue with the "deserved" part, but I was kind of thinking and hoping that the climactic battle would be a chess game between Yorick and Victoria, after all of her talk of being good enough to beat Bobby Fischer.  And the "kind of a cartoon" part is true, too, but I had hoped they'd flesh her out a bit more.

Wikipedia says that it's "Peace", based on:  1) Yorick carves "355 Peace" in a tree in the final issue, and 2) 355 appears on the cover of issue 58 ( http://images1.wikia.nocook… ) giving the peace sign.

One weakness (I thought so, anyway) of the story arc is when they got rid of Victoria in a fairly anticlimactic manner.

"and that Haiti was destroyed because it’s in league with the devil"

Did I hurt your feelings, Lobsters 1?

There's no mention here of David Irving and Deborah Lipstadt, apparently.  Lipstadt was sued for libel by Irving, a notorious Holocaust denialist, because she accurately noted that he was a notorious Holocaust denialist.  Irving embarrassed himself during trial and lost, ruining him financially.

I would argue that the AVClub has a responsibility to review crappy albums from time to time for the specific purpose of defining the edge cases.  I mean, how many times have you read comments along the lines of "If this is a D, what does it take to get an F, anyway?"  I get that there is a bit of shitting on a band

Fear Factor was my first hint that Rogan didn't so much "act"
the role of weirdo muscle head as, to put it tactfully, "embody" that
persona, especially when sharing his views on the moon landings.

Oh my god, I think I read that Clive Barker story.  I kept thinking that Barker was a really good author who needed to break free of the horror genre in order to write a really good book.  But I've been burnt way too many times with that guy to ever read another one of his goddamn works ever again.

Color of Night is an amazing film:  it is either one of the most amazing bad movies of all time, or a brilliant, stone-faced parody of crappy 80's soft-core mysteries.

Underrated flick.  I'd call What About Bob? a guilty pleasure, but it's good enough that I don't even feel any guilt about admitting I liked it.

They already attempted to do this in the U.S. — it was "Kelsey Grammer Presents The Sketch Show", a show so bad that cast member Paul F. Tompkins redubbed it "Kelsey Grammer Resents The Sketch Show".

This is only just dawning on me, but has there ever been an East Asian cast member on SNL? or for that matter, a South Asian, South East Asian, or Middle Eastern member?

Hey Zach, you're miscounting episodes — this one is 8, and the previous week is 7 (right?).

No, I think he was trying to say that this particular stupid belief (McVeigh working with/for Iraqis) is one that is held only by conservatives.  And therefore anyone making that claim is a conservative nut.  Note that he did not claim that all conservatives hold this stupid belief.

For him, the ’70s died when Renata Adler’s infamous dismissal of Kael as “worthless” in the New York Review Of Books appeared in August 1980.

Now, it seems obvious—Stipe is even waving goodbye on the cover