
I was OK with it because it felt like you were being a part of the fucked up world it was portraying. The other key aspect for me was the meta-commentary that was calling out the modern military complex (especially the games) that was (and still is) glorifying warfare, while ignoring the damage this can cause and the

Man, EA's output increasingly feels like a company trying too hard to be Video Games answer to the last decade of Television. While this could potentially work, the fact that they won't step on any toes in the process just turns these games into a mindless mush that you forget straight after you finish them.

Cricket is dumb.

Spoiler alert: They get five minute matches (at most) that tie into something you don't watch.

The fact that Major League Baseball has a division that seems to make every non-YouTube based streaming service is one of the most fascinating parts of the growth of the internet to me.

I feel like every generation has their thing that shows them cool old stuff, whether it's some movie, TV show, revival of that genre, or in my case video game. Rock Band to me will be a part of my teenage years that will always have an special place in my heart, as it was not only a brilliant game to play both alone

Each other. There are literally no other options. Just hope that you don't get a run of one gender.

Apparently, Hulk and Randy finally reconciled before his death. The problem with this story is that it was told by one Hulk Hogan. I highly suspect that Hulk's talking out of his ass here, and is getting in one final chance to go over Randy. It sucks, and they should have gotten somebody like Ricky Steamboat in all

I refuse to believe that Kobe is as big of an asshole as Hulk Hogan. After all, you don't see Kobe trying to weasel himself into a position to induct Shaq into the Hall Of Fame.

And now we're watching the yuppies take over that. I'd say that we then move to the next burgeoning form of music, but that's EDM; a genre that is designed to not have any personality.

Eh, Rock Band and Guitar Hero are probably the main reason that I have any appreciation from the 60's to the 90's. So long as you know that Rock Band is better, you have nothing to be ashamed of.

At least you got yours when they were making Master System games. I got one when the PS2 came out. The joys of growing up with your parents on the dole.

Who wouldn't get irrationally excited by the prospect of JJ Watt killing someone.

Will the porno filmed at the LA Colleseum suffice?

Why was the knife soaked in urine?

But the movie deal (and most likely this) was signed into effect before the sale.

Maybe this time they'll get the crappy fizz that goes with their damn colour scheme.

Speaking as a New Zealander that has put up with KDC for the last few years, he is a prick that made the last election about himself (and gave that damn election to National), and cares about New Zealand about as much as he can stay out of prison. All I can really say is fuck off Kim Dotcom, you fucking suck.

Settle down everyone, this is clearly just guerrilla marketing for a remake of MediEvil.

If there is one thing that the internet has taught me, it is that there is no such thing as too much rape/murder/race/gender/sexual orientation/controversial talk discussion talk, and all of it will have you looking for a good stabbing knife.