Balls Mahoney

I bet when they end the series Bruce Willis will die with a boner.

This is genius.

The premise of the show should be that Ashley Tisdale gets hit by a bus and she goes to heaven and gets angel powers (wings and shit). One day Louis is jerking off on the side of a balcony when suddenly Tisdale goes flying by and Louis cums all over her wings, forcing her to live on Earth until her wings repair. Louis

Best lines of the night: "Man…you straight up got a dick on your chest!" and also "Motherfucka, thats called a job!"

I'm thinking of flying Trans-Vaginal one of these days. Oh and Sleigh Bells sucked.

I'm surprised there wasn't any cumming and farting!

Went to the doctors today, found out that I got The Slap.

Shmathrine Shmegil