David cgc

That's what I'm starting to think. Apparently, they weren't going to perform or interview, they'd just… I don't know, stand there. The show was clearly working on the dance video for a while, and from what I heard, Robin Thicke's performance was filmed last week. My guess is more of the episode was planned out as it

@avclub-dc02ec559c780b21ae1754840de36041:disqus I just saw that in the New York Times. Apparently they were just going to show up in the studio in costume, and would neither perform nor interview. If they weren't going to actually perform, then the Colbert dance video makes a lot more sense. Indeed, it's probably

I hope he keeps it this time. I thought it was kind of classy when he had a beard for a week a few years. Change things up a bit.

I was kind of in awe when I was imagining that Colbert was able to put all of that together in 30 hours.

I doubt that they'd be cutting back and forth. It was probably going to be a mid-episode prelude to the live show. IIRC, he's done stuff like that with musical guests before. It seems redundant if it was going to be the same song that'd be played live, but they usually do two songs, at least, putting one on-air and

Considering you'd be standing outside in the hot-ass New York City summer for hours before getting in, you probably won't be dressed in your top hat and tails, either.

Gaiman doesn't specifically say that a black actor was offered the role of this Doctor. He could've been talking about an earlier round of casting, which makes more sense. Gaiman isn't part of the production team, so it's unlikely he'd be in the loop about any details for a casting process that's so recent, and Moffat

I remember the bar fight scene in the season 2 premiere being released on-line as a teaser, and it made my heart soar for exactly that reason: Torchwood was being Torchwood, and not whatever strange thing it started out as.

@avclub-e56f3c7f583392a5b6796622b4e04cd8:disqus He does have a CafePress store…

It's a little embarrassing how obviously we're trying to make this a big deal here, even though David Tennant and Matt Smith's casting announcements were barely even announcements.

They can both travel in time, and they meet out of order (oddly, unlike every other fellow time-traveller the Doctor knows). She's always alive, and she's always dead. Unless the Doctor goes back to the Library to look at her finished journal and counts off every single entry he's also experienced, he'll never be sure

You just inspired me to look up the derivation. Disappointingly, it's just the opposite of "trans-," from the latin.

Check the clip again. A moment earlier, Homer was reading off all the gummy whatsits in the jars.

“Well, let's get out the old stock ticker and have a look. Here's where I stopped checking it last time. September, 1929… oh, no… oh, no…. oh, no…! Smithers, why didn't you tell me about this market crash?”



Garibaldi brings it a couple times in early Season 4. They're all so preoccupied with the Shadows that once the nuts and bolts of secession were done, they didn't really think about it. Cognitive dissonance set in, especially with Garibaldi himself (the career line here, and back in "Avalon" where he's flipping his