haha, i also noticed Manny totally staring at her boobs that whole scene
haha, i also noticed Manny totally staring at her boobs that whole scene
I also have to always watch the "Previously on" because the episode are forgettable and need to remind myself what the hell is going on.
Aztec machine speeding through the light
I'm with you. I keep watching but goddamn, episodes sure do drag a lot.
Yeah, the Dirty Projectors comparison has me confused, too
I thought it was hilarious the way he slunked behind the wheel as the guys came out of the yard
It's always jarring seeing him talk in those "Inside Breaking Bad" videos on the AMC site. He always looks and sounds so jolly
After The Office finishes I dash for the remote to switch channels so as not to be subjected to another instant of the dreck
Is it just me or is she looking better than usual this season? Maybe it's just because she's reached milf status, but idk.
I don't think I've ever seen Mangum looking so joyful before.
*shrug* I like it. It could be about 3 minutes shorter, though
Did anyone else feel the tone of this episode was totally different from previous Dexters? There was a campy, cheesy feel to a lot of the scenes. Maybe just because it was a high school reunion episode, but the whole episode was just weird for me
There's also that full live Claypool album of Animals already
I couldn't get past the first 3 minutes of Whitney
Kimberly was definitely my first big childhood crush
I thought this was great. The montage at the end was a highlight. I'd give this an A-
April was great this episode. From her closing "I love you" on the phone to her getting all boss on Jerry
Didn't Malcolm in the Middle do a nearly identical scene/plot point with Lois showing security footage to the family of how she was right about something? Except I remember them doing it a lot better.
Yeah, I though the 1st episode was awful and the 2nd was… ok
My typical dumb theater crowd HATED the movie, and I heard people complaining about all the silent moments, and not enough action. I don't think I've ever seen an angrier crowd at a movie theater. The trailers are very misleading, I'll admit.