@avclub-5ae13f60a71f38e4a5115853908263a1:disqus Unless they're priming Carol for some sort of aggressive mental breakdown, in which case this could be just a small step.
@avclub-5ae13f60a71f38e4a5115853908263a1:disqus Unless they're priming Carol for some sort of aggressive mental breakdown, in which case this could be just a small step.
Thank you for this great article! It makes me really happy to see story games get some exposure on this site.
Amen. Unless you're being sarcastic, or ironic, or something. In which case, still — amen.
Comics Lori is a bit less shrill and bitchy, but even more weak and useless.
Did everyone accuse Maggie of being all 'scheme-y' when she said to Glenn that he's more capable of making leadership decisions than Rick & Shane? I think you guys are really, really hard on the writers, and the characters.
Nathan Ford: If we're talking about gender roles and attitudes, the comic is waaaaaaay more sexist.
Yes, absolutely. In a packed theater full of fans, I couldn't contain a shrill "Whoop!" and an air-punch.
I watched this on PBS when I was 13-ish, and yes, the reveal about the Monk having a TARDIS was one of the moments that made me go, "Gosh, this universe is huge, and I want to go play in it!"
Admittedly, it's been a while since I've watched the last season of Enterprise… but, why is the series finale considered such an abomination? I remember kind of liking it.
Can't wait to hate it.
Okay, but…
why is A.V. Club reviewing an album like this? To give us something at which to giggle?
Man… I guess everybody was gunning for this one.
You know that
just wants to see more android sex.
Zedophile, thou art silly.
After your first drink, you spend the rest of your life trying to recapture that feeling.