Alex PK

Full Frontal is better than Last Week Tonight, better that Colbert's Late Show, better than anything since Stewart in his prime. It's astonishing. And the pace of it is insane. Funnier and angrier than anything else in its time slot.

We can't let the first black President be followed by a proud bigot. We can't.


I like that the people who refuse to believe anything published by the New York Times are quick to believe anything they read on www-dev.america_news_source… as long as it supports whatever they already believe to be true.

This is relevant to my interests.

I'll go episodes at a time without laughing at this show, but I keep watching it. I'm almost positive it's due to the lead actresses. I'm not proud.

Carla Gallo as Josh Klinghoffer.

I'm with Klinghoffer.

Tim Kaine is a noted Replacements fan.

I miss Blizzard Man.

That settles it. I was just waiting to learn if he thought NASA was wonderful or not. I'm all-in for this Great, Great American.

You made the world a worse place. Enjoy your retirement.

Samberg doesn't belong anywhere near this conversation. The digital shorts revitalized the show. 9 out of 10 of those were straight-up great.

"San Francisco… I was born there."

Dog Party's rad.

That should be the show.

I think she'll be a fully realized character, like all of Bendis' fully realized characters. She'll speak and behave like a nebbishy Jewish man.

I think this is great. Just a little bummed they're going with the movie costume.

Steve Rogers being a comic book artist was a dumb decision.

Yeah, I don't know what Seth is thinging.