
I really liked The Rainmaker but that might just be fueled by my hatred of insurance companies.

I think I read once that one of the silhouetted men in the room was Sam Raimi.

Is Leo still alive? It looked like he's in next week's episode.

Hal Holbrook
I don't know about anyone else, but I just loved Hal Holbrook as Albie Duncan.

I don't mean to offend
but are jockeys considered dwarves?

Wasn't Mulholland Drive from David Lynch?

Hey, My Afternoons with Marguerite has a decent 85%. Why don't you go see that? Louise Keller of the Urban Cinefile remarks "What a lovely way to spend an afternoon."

I loved that show! I liked the walking bots but they were never good fighters. It started to go down hill when everyone starting building wedge bots with nothing interesting about them.

Our hero - a big, stinky cheater

This is sad
type in Daniel Day-Lewis and it would be nearly perfect if not for the movie his wife wrote and Nine. Damn you Rob Marshall! How many lives must you ruin?

As far as bank robbers, there's nun finer.

"SkyCaptain: As expected…a Jew directing a Jew. Any else new in Hollywood..sleazy scumbags."

maybe he has some sort of brain tumor or degenerative mental condition because I remember him in earlier seasons having a normal fiance, winning poker tournaments, and leading a Police coverband. In his present state he seems incapable of any of that.

@ Judge Reinhold
I did google crochet stitching pattern hardcore and found an Etsy page for pornographic patterns called Crotch Stitch.

I loved this episode but
what exactly is Ben's job? It seems like all he does now is follow Leslie around and look at the camera when something funny happens.

I thought it was going to have to do with his going off the wagon with eating. The crazy way he ate the cake the last week made me think he was gonna go nuts on a sugar bender.

Was it just me or
was this episode really tough to watch? It was so awkward and sad that I just wanted to look away.

I did notice in the last episode that Jerry is mean to Kyle. So does that make Kyle the lowest on the show?