
Thought u typed fleshlight

Person of Interest did this week too, I gotta assume its easier with action type shows then drama or comedy.

Had to scroll down because i was sure someone else would make that joke.

I am going to assume that broken down sunken ship from the beginning is the same ship in the flashback as the end.

Just read it, great article

No HBO CEO of Tits, its pretty clearly about masturbation. Watch the part wheres hes shaking little Finn if you have any questions.About 9:30 http://www.downvids.net/adv…

Commented on that above, should had read down first.

She said it was the thorazine that made her shaky, same stuff they injected Carrie with in Homeland this week(Uh… Ooo… Aw… or Fuck You Sal). I'm sure she wasnt getting a freaaking out and strapped to a bed dose but i'd think she'd be more fucked up then she was.

Anyone else get a River Tam vibe from war stories when she shot the assasin?

I can mix up Ellis and Morrison when awesome concepts that  could get whole issues blow past in one page/panel or when I get confused in where I am in time space metaspace ect. Ellis and Ennis just for their last names. Now that i think about it Ellis is a lot easier to follow then Morrison but I still think Morrison

From what I understand, there is one more issue in the can but Image doesn't want to publish until a few more are done.

I'll buy that, thought maybe he was locked in after i posted but thought well if he can't unlock the door how would he know to call them. I really like your thought on how it happened.

Yeah that was pretty bad. I realize that they have to save their budget but that was some Hercules/Xena level CGI.

Hell yeah!!

Why do they alway close their hands around the knife like that when they need blood for something? I must have seen that 100 times.Its gotta hurt like hell and I would think make that hand useless for any inevitable upcoming gun/knife/swordplay. Just cut the back of your arm. Or kind of like non_Bridget says get a

I believe they had the date correct on screen.

Didnt anyone notice that he thanked her for unlocking the door? How did he call her?. I don't mind that Washington was a demon hunter or that 200 year old gunpowder explodes or that the headless horseman know how to use a machine gun. Maybe it just bugs me that I care. Still loving every silly moment of the show.

All in all, it was a dull episode. AD doesn't need to have implications beyond the episode I am watching. I don't need character development every time. I love the ones that tie into the greater narrative of  the show but i also love the one offs too like Princess Potluck or Card Wars. This one just wasn't fun or

He did eventually finish planetary, so there is hope.