
My Art History teacher also dissed the Mona Lisa on a regular basis. He hated it because people would line up for hours just to see it, while basically ignoring the rest of the museum, which is full of amazing (and often more interesting and noteworthy) art.

I don't know about that. The Kick-Ass movies and Kingsmen hewed pretty damn close to the comic versions. Wanted lost some of the costumed hero elements in favor of secret-society trappings, but the story was straight off the page (admittedly exchanging Angelina for Halle and not casting Eminem in the lead).

It's weird. Mark Millar isn't that great of a writer. But all of his comics get made into movies. It's like Hollywood doesn't give a shi…

Immediately thought of this one…

I took a course in college which used Sagan's Cosmos as the textbook. Around that time I also discovered that Monty Python also used the book for reference when writing the Universe Song in Meaning of Life.

It's only crossed out because they used 'Louis Cyphre' in Angel Heart.

He has time, he got fired from ESPN.

The vast majority of rock stars (and actors) are shorter than you'd expect.

Well, vegan heroin.

Perhaps an outbreak of Ed Zachary disease?

Fair enough. Although with the way the Marvel juggernaut is rolling along, the 'yet' won't take long.

She has? But… I saw her. Didn't I?

The only thing I remember about that movie was how beautiful I thought Kristin Scott Thomas was.

To be fair to Mr. Schillinger, in MLB locker rooms, the men's room stalls can only be opened by inserting a fully-erect penis into a special locking mechanism.

"…a dude who runs real fast…" is not a member of the FF.

* Not actually a 'comic book movie.'

"Holy fuck" is accurate, and also sort of wanting.

Wait, Kate Beckinsale is single? I… uh, I gotta go.

"Something happens atomically with those massive concrete floors. It changes your ions or something."