
I just find it weird that this would bother anyone (the joke, or the kickstarter set up by ZB). It's not like anybody's being scammed out of their money or anyone's being forced to give up their last monies. And I'm pretty sure Zach Braff would find this picture funny too.

A round of good old fashioned solo sex does sound fun.

You find Zach Braff kick starting his movie reprehensible?

Whether or not he should be using kickstarter to finance his next film, Garden State is an amazing slice of life movie. Love the art, not the artist.

I secretly want to believe it was Erik or Cochran making some kind of Firefly reference (Malcolm Reynolds u know…)

So was that it for the coverage? Was really looking forward to reading about this, as after the second episode, this is really shaping up to be interesting show. Kind of like BBC Sherlock meets Da Vinci Code meets Tudors.

I think this episode pretty much sealed it, Veep is the funniest show on TV right now.

HBO Sundays are fucking primordial!

Come on, this is not Breaking Bad.

I really like Malcolm, but I still want all three of them gone next.

If I was Malcolm I would've convinced Reynold to vote Eddie (since he was as good as gone anyways, shouldn't have been a problem) ensuring he gets more votes, knowing that there's a split. Keeping both of the idols, securing a place in at least final 7 (or more, if he wins any immunities), by then Stealth R Us

@avclub-a5fdfa672284da6bf4f4326e2b3698bd:disqus It was Fill up who initially whispered "Andrea" to Brenda who then mouthed "Andrea" to Dawn.

"I'd make more money if I installed Will here as a full time glory hole greeter at a Georgetown gay bar, which I'm pretty sure he already does part time, right will?"

That wouldn't even have been as out of place as the end credits song they went with.

I'm sweating all my minerals to my boiled leather shorts here.

You're not even your mothers favorite Jonah.

I too would definitely appreciate reading weekly reviews of this. As a heterosexual male, all the man ass doesn't really do (much) for me, but I guess equality in nudity is refreshing.

What the hell? did anyone actually watch the show…. All I see is loads of bitching and pointless whining from people who clearly didn't even see the pilot.

I guess that was it then. Had some really good times with this show.