
I don't understand the overwhelming hate for voiceover, but they definitely used it less in the later episodes. I think Ron Moore admitted in his podcasts that over time they learned how best to use it. I am a lover of the book series, so perhaps I am used to hearing Claire's voice, but the voiceover is fine with me.

They literally just finished filming season 1 last week, so they do need some post production time I think, so I could have understood a delay until January, but April is really pushing it. Does that mean we won't get season 2 until 2016?

I really love Rupert's voice. It has a richness to it, like chocolate.

Maybe this will become more clear in the next episode (6 months from now!).

Yes, I love Roger! I am really hoping we get to the later books, just because I love him so much.

Book reader here: in the book, it wasn't successful, so I must admit I am confused here. It looked like it was, but having read the book I am not so sure. Definitely terrifying, however.

In reading other people's comments, and thinking about the episode again (which I will re-watch), I think perhaps having the episode told in flashback really upset my expectations. I was not expecting that, and I think because it didn't start where I expected it too, it put me a bit off. They really handled the sex

OK, book reader here. I must admit I was slightly disappointed in this episode. I have loved the show so far and have understood most of the editorial changes that must be made in making this for TV, but this episode really felt like the humor was missing. There were still funny bits, and I did appreciate that

I laughed at Dougal's "grinding your corn" comment, as that is from the song the men were singing in the previous episode. (A song which doesn't appear in this book, but does in a later book in the series, sung by a character we haven't met yet.)

Well, if food is scarce the mother may not be able to produce enough milk. And, breast feeding isn't always easy - their are lots of reasons extra milk may be needed.

I find TV Dougal to be a really interesting character. Graham McTavish has such a magnetic appeal, and the way that he is playing Dougal, I find that I am much more interested in him than I was in book Dougal. He is a very complex character, and even though I have read the book I find I am always surprised by what

Well, he doesn't really hang around with a lot of women does he? Even in last week's episode he "won" the opportunity (with the stick) to try to convince that woman to have sex with him, later in the episode we see Rupert with her, not him. And in this episode Jamie points out that he hates everyone, so I don't think

I agree. There is no way they can do everything exactly the same, and the choices they have made have been interesting. I don't really have any major complaints. As a book reader, I was never that much a fan of Frank's, but the show is making me like him a lot, which I find unsettling.

That woman wearing the lovely dress is Diana Gabaldon, the author of the books. Ron Moore also has a brief non-speaking cameo a little earlier in the scene.

For those wondering what is being said in Gaelic, I have found a blog where a woman is doing her best to translate. It is http://greatscotblog.com/ She also appears to be in contact with Àdhamh Ó Broin, who is the Gaelic tutor for Outlander, and he appears to be helping her with some of it. She has a couple of

Most of the actors are Scottish, so I would expect the accents are better than the usual. I did read an interview with Sam Heughan (Jamie), where he says his accent in the show is different from his real-life Scottish accent because Jamie is from a different part of Scotland than he is.


Continuing **BOOK SPOILERS**

The theme song is a version of an old Scottish song - The Skye Boat Song. As with a lot of old folk songs, there are many versions of lyrics. This version uses lyrics written by Robert Louis Stevenson, changing the "he's" to "she's" to represent Claire.

I have been very excited about Outlander being made into a TV show, and the first episode did not disappoint. There are some slight differences so far, but you can tell they have paid attention to detail. My favorite books in the series follow this one, so I hope it is successful enough to be renewed.