Toppington von Monocle

If it was actually an ad for a Tibet charity, no one would have looked twice at that commercial. Half the time people sigh and roll their eyes when one of those sad ads come on, because it's just a bummer and tries to make you feel bad. Then all of a sudden it turns out to be a joke, and everyone's all up

Also heterosexual guys dress as women to obtain massive erections.

The title
It looks like the title to this article has "chicks with dicks" and the italicized "Chicks And Dicks" switched around.

I saw Lucero about four years ago, undoubtedly the worst show I've ever been to. The singer actually forgot the words to some of their songs and had to stop. And the rest of the band left the stage about halfway through the set because it was too hot they said.

I was supposed to see Bonnie Prince Billie last night but the goddamn show sold out before I got there.

to lazy to think up a subject title
Mudhoney should be seen if you ever get the chance. Also Ween puts on some crazy shit.

As long as she keeps those dirty pillows away from me.

This will be a very valuable strip to save
Like that very rare Mary Worth in which she has advised a friend to commit suicide.

Sweet Natalie ain't sweet no more
Mama found her draped over the toilet bowl

I think a thousand leaves is a great album, personally

Steve is a huge douche…
..and always has been. Read the Big Black chapter in "Our Band Could Be Your Life". But if you ever get a chance to Shellac, jump on it, because they kick ass live.

That joke is so dumb, it got hit by a parked car.

Carl Winslow, duh

The episode will be titled: My Big Fat Fat Wedding

I've been waiting forever for this shit to start, especially since Breaking Bad finished. I need my weekly fix of crime and decadence.

kidz showz
No one mentioned Ren and Stimpy? I still love watching those, the animation is still fucking hilarious.

Gooflumps it was called, if my memory serves correctly

Say Cheese and Die was definitely my favorite. Plus it had to coolest cover.

Oh yeah, and Final Fantasy VII. I knew it would be incredible from watching the opening cutscene.

Musics and TVs
The first seductive notes in Kid A assured me that this album was going to be something I knew I'd love. Same with the first time I heard Building Steam With A Grain of Salt off of Endtroducing… by DJ Shadow.