Toppington von Monocle

When I went to see Built to Spill my main enticement for going was to see the Meat Puppets open for them. Not that I don't like Built to Spill, but I'm not sure if I would've gone had the puppets not been opening.

John Goodman shouldn't mess around with God's America

I hate

People who hate it because it's Pitchfork popular, that's where. Besides, having personal opinions and tastes is lame.

what's more hipster?
Everyone who likes this album likes it because it's Pitchfork popular.

I had a chance to see them in 2008 and I missed it. And this year they're not coming anywhere close to me. Sucks because everyone has said they put on great shows.

no lie
I met a girl at a bar who claimed that her aunt gave Steven Tyler a blowjob in an elevator and so he wrote that love in an elevator song about her