Postmodern Motherfucker

The AV Club

What about the marks on his book? Did he even see that?

I misread "Alibi" as "Albini" there for a second. Now that would be interesting.

To me, it's Ray Romano who's stealing the show.

1. We got the "upbeat song over downbeat visuals" scene with "18 Yellow Roses" and the big reveal. And the big reveal felt like a cheap shot, since there were no clues dropped and the show hinted heavy-handedly the other way several times first. If you tell me it's going to be this then you make it that, that's not

What got me was, it was obvious that the singer just didn't get the song at all. There was none of the sighing, world-weary empathy for "the girl with the mousy hair" who is stuck watching some shitty movie once again because she got kicked out of the house and ditched by her friends. The singer just dumped himself

It was about some Russians.

Somebody linked to a latter-day clip of them doing "Sweet Child of Mine" and it was so bad I thought it might be one of those StSanders "Shreds" videos.

They play KISS on the radio?! What do they play, "Strutter"? "Rock and Roll All Night"?

We'd hoped two Iraq "wars" would've thinned the "herd," but clearly you somehow "survived."

Ezrin produced, and Lou Reed co-wrote!

Serious question: Does anyone actually listen to KISS?

Classy people get drunk at Starbucks.

You have no idea how many skee-ball tickets that is.

The AV Club

This comment has been proven to be scientifically incorrect.

Say our names and we're gonna have to kill all these people, Fiftyshadesofgravy!


This makes me miss the '90s.