
Transferring it from car to car <3

*looks at all the responses* I guess this is why we don't see many overweight/chubby actors on television…

nigeltide - the music was The Yardbirds - Turn Into Earth

It's the cool thing to hate on Supernatural.  Just look at the People's Choice Awards - Best Sci Fi AND Best Drama and not one inch of publicity nor were the awards even presented on air.

To be fair, Cas didn't know exactly what was wrong with Sam.  Maybe he thought because he's an angel it wouldn't affect him as much.

" I’ll count my blessings and just be grateful that at no point did Dean and Castiel get busy together in the back of the Impala."

I liked Robin being deliberately placed behind Barney during the Quinntervention.  I like how she barely had anything to say about the whole Barney/Quinn business, like she was suppressing her emotions, merging into the background because she can't really speak up at the moment.  I think for as long as she keeps using

Yes, except I think she's going to hurt him really bad.  I don't know how but I just have a feeling he's going to be left floundering when this one is finished with him.  Cue emotional wreck Robin and emotional wreck Barney finally realising they're meant to be.

He wouldn't have caught on at all if Ted hadn't pointed it out.  Plus, I doubt she's done.

I think it was supposed to be *meaningful* that he couldn't make anything work while he was still haunting that apartment.  His efforts kept falling apart, if you get me.

Because watching someone disassemble every piece of furniture they own, pack every possession they own into boxes then begin the painstaking job of moving it all into a moving truck is truly riveting television.

Ted is moving forward, that's for sure.  It just requires for his friends to be in certain places for that to happen, which is pretty interesting. 

She's just a punchline.  I hope to God they don't give her some storyline like they did to Randy.  Randy was way better when he just showed up and did something awkward.

Any stuff about Barney dying is pure fan speculation.  Ted has said a million times now that the gang doesn't always live in close proximity to each other so hanging out all the time isn't an option.  Also, if Barney ends up with Robin, there's a big chance he'll move to wherever her career takes her or at least

Except in 'Tick, Tick, Tick', Future Ted says "To this day, your uncle Barney and Aunt Robin swear these were the lyrics to the song" implying Barney is still alive in 2030.