I've never seen any of their movies before. Do you think I would like them? Date Movie sounds like it might be cute…
I've never seen any of their movies before. Do you think I would like them? Date Movie sounds like it might be cute…
Oh, that poor doggie…
I'd like this movie more if the poor tiger didn't blow up at the end. And if there was less violence in general…
Um, well I don't know much about magic. You should ask Twilight about that.
I'll teach everybody Friendship moves! Oh, if you want…
Um, he seems to be rather indecisive, doesn't he?
Oh, what a lovely idea
I do think it's ever so nice that they are helping those poor people in Japan. It's even worse there than when the Parasprites attacked Ponyville. Oh, I would help them if I could…
Oh, I like this book
I think it's very cute. I would like to visit Australia, I think. Oh, I love the cute little kangaroos and koalas!
Oh my, I feel so honored! Thank you all for the kind words. Um, but I really shouldn't accept. There are so many great commenters here, and I'm just a pony who likes nice things…
*deeply blushes*
Oh, hello Rainbow Dash. I didn't know you posted here too…
Oh, poor Cockatrice. It's okay, you just didn't know it wasn't alright to do that. Now you know better.
I'm afraid I'm actually traveling, so I couldn't comment as quickly as I may have liked to. Luckily there is a lovely little cafe that serves delicious daisy sandwiches and seems to have internet.
And thank you for the kind words. Although I don't know if you could call me the best pony…
Oh, thank you for the good review Mr. VanDerWerff! I was so worried that you may not like us. I hope that everybody who watches likes our show.
Oh, his hair is very soft looking. It reminds me of Rarity's mane…
I'm afraid I don't know what that means either. Is it when the pegasus ponies make rainbows in the sky? I'm sure Pinkie could organize that. Oh, I'm not sure if I would go though…
Hee hee! I like that show. Oh, Tom Hanks is very funny in that…
Um, excuse me?
Oh, I am so sorry, and perhaps I'm just missing something, but it seems the AV Club has posted this review four times.
I don't like what they make the squirrel go through…
Oh, they should just give him the nut. I would give him acorns if I could…