
I never understood why Amazing Spider-Man didn't wise up and spend more time with Felicia Hardy. MJ may be the spunky redhead, but Felicia Hardy has a skintight catsuit.

I am officially caught up! I always remember hating Crais, and while I appreciate Tupu's performance now, I still hate Crais' guts. The havoc he wrecks is unbelievable.


That's why Picard's so awesome. He's like a peaceful tiger that some fools grab by the tail.

By the end of her run, Pulaski really wasn't so bad.

I am also two seasons into the show. Everyone says that's where the show turns into something special, so I'm not done yet, but golly, for two years that was not a very good show.



I can't stand when people in high-speed vehicles leap out of them at each other, MI2-style. There is literally no way that ends well for ANYONE involved.

I liked the first one better.

I don't think he's the only reason, but as much as I think he's a terrible actor, having him and Paul Walker in the same movie is kind of the point.

I think that most movies would be better if they got to, or under, 120 minutes. This "all big movies are 135 minutes" thing is so weird.

I can't think of a summer blockbuster that had me on pins and needles the entire time even though I knew the outcome.

Well, @avclub-394dc8be941678fb1dcfc647005e6af6:disqus , I think he's a dumb meat head, a role that he himself appears happy pursuing despite early work regarding his mixed heritage. I think he was part of the early aughts problem when he claimed in xXx that "Playstation" taught him how to fire ROCKETS in real life,

The box looked like the same bunch of characters to me.

It's no great wonder to be awake for 7 and a half hours.

It's been a week for forgotten letters. First I said "feedback loo", which sounds like a terrible toilet, and now this.

Fine, Mitchell. I will watch them with occasional breaks for food, the restroom, and making sure my son is still somewhere on my property and not in mortal peril.

He's talking about marshmallows. Which makes sense. The human mouth can only take so many of them.

Execution of other elements. If it delivers compelling action, solid dialogue, elicits quality performances from the cast, is well-directed, etc.