
i'm sorry i called you an inanimate object. i was upset.

i was just glad nobody fell asleep or was texting during, even if they weren't as emotional as i was. but yes, i do feel that some places in europe have a historical melancholy ingrained in them (germany for example is a wonderful country and berlin an excellent city but its past is on its sleeve and sometimes when i

there's a little nook under our outside stairs sheltered from the rain that we refer to as 'the smoking alcove', and every single time i go for a cig out there i say 'you have this word, alcoves?' to myself and every single time it makes me laugh

one day when i was about five, i bit a dude on the leg during break at school. can't recall why, but i remember being so inconsolable afterwards that my mum had to come pick me up, and at home she put me in front of a disney movie so that i could calm down

god, this show has a firm place in my Top Three of shows that are just delightful to watch. lots of good comedy out there but it's rare that i get such pure happiness from it. great ep.

and plus what better prize for amy than actually getting to hear captain holt say that she is an amazing detective/genius?

ah! someone else mentioned jay jay first. and fuck boohbah, those two shows are the exact ones i included in a presentation this week to exemplify serious misjudgements in the 'cosiness' of preschool television. in the night garden nearly made the cut but i find it slightly too fascinating to completely abhor.

jay jay the jet plane.

i was just saying on facebook that the joker having tattoos isn't a problem for me but i just keep picturing him sat in a real nice, professional tattoo parlour, looking through different fonts for the 'damaged' one. it's very jarring.

i think i deal with every difficult situation in my life through binge rewatch therapy. dropping out of uni? justice league. fired from my job? community. rejected romantic feelings? adventure time. and hey, at least now i don't have to pause while i scrabble about trying to find that one loose rizla that i KNOW i

thanks! you'll get there eventually when you find the right way to approach it. personally i found that setting goalposts for when quitting starts never quite worked, it was always 'when i finish this packet' or 'after deadline week is over'. if the starting line is arbitrary then there's always a reason to push it

thankyou! i say you should own your weeping and wear those ridiculous tears with pride! (i say that only to make me feel better about the fact that today i have also got choked up over jobseeking, the song Homecoming by Green Day, literally nothing at all, and a bowl of popcorn, but still.)

so i'm two weeks (today!) into quitting smoking, which has meant two things for my pop culture consumption: one, everything is rewatches because i desperately need some comforting, familiar habits and two, good lord am i finding new depths of emotion in them. bear in mind i've cried at maybe six movies in my entire

the slow closing of the bunker door throughout this episode was genuinely stressing me out, which kinda detracted from the (excellent) comedy. i almost turned off even though i knew it would work out. i'd still give it an A, the uncomfortableness is really a testament to how quickly the show made me care about kimmy

Uh…any questions?

aside from the always excellent one-liners, my favourite line from this episode is GL after Lex-as-Flash vibrates the doors apart: "that's why the real Flash doesn't do it."

Mine's all from bands.

I think Northamptonshire pride is my favourite kind of pride - it's more like a gleeful dislike. On the rare occasion I encounter someone from here in different parts of the country, we bond over the shared experience of how absolutely wank it is. "You're from Weston Favell? Christ, I'm sorry. I'm from Wellingborough,

Hope he includes some of the more recent history, like the guy who took to wandering about at night dressed as a terrifying clown, or 50p Lil (possibly deceased) so named for her reasonably priced sexual favours. All set in the recently retired bus station, voted third most hated building in Britain according to Wiki.

This is where I live! I don't know how heavily he's filtering through this fantastical perspective but given that a realistic historical view of Northampton would be 'Francis Crick, Doc Martens, probably arson' it must be quite a bit. Our main attraction is the shoe museum. It's just a shoe shop where you can't buy