Thanks to the brown acid.
Thanks to the brown acid.
(sings along with bouncing ball on screen)
I just had visions of Dolly Parton appearing on a Batman episode as special guest villain Community Chest.
Jerry terHorst immediately came to my mind when the piece mentioned briefly-serving press secretaries. I came across his book about Gerald Ford when I was a youngster and spent more time than I want to admit trying to decipher what the deal was with how his name was written.
Foucault's $100,000 Pendulum, coming soon to ABC's Summer Fun & Games.
Sure do. Not only that, but in writing it all down I ran out of space on my scorecard and had to buy a second one.
Bobby was a movie that really could have been something - it had a solid cast, was nicely photographed, and they were able to use what was left of the Ambassador Hotel while it was being demolished. Unfortunately, most of the characters and situations felt like they were taken from the Giant Bag Of '60s Movie Tropes,…
Many years ago I was watching an early SNL with Joe Cocker as the musical guest. I was convinced the guy I was watching twitch and grunt was really John Belushi doing his Joe Cocker imitation, until Belushi staggered out in Joe Cocker costume, stood next to the real Joe Cocker, and joined in the song.
Seconded. It's not like all of us (a) have easy access to it, (b) want to take chances with the law, especially in a state where the authorities love to throw the book at you for even simple possession, (c) want to take risks if we have a job where we might get pulled for drug screening, or (d) even want to fool…
My grandfather retired from FP&L and split his years between West Palm Beach (in the winter) and a farm in western NC (in the summer), and between the tales he told of the things he could do in Florida (going to spring training games, etc.) and the neat stuff on his farm when we'd visit, when I was growing up I…
CBS This Morning is awesome, with the segments going appropriately from hard news to soft features as the hour goes on. It's smartly written and produced with just enough slickness to feel modern, but the substance is front and center. The Charlie/Gayle/Norah chemistry is fun (and there's even the routine jokes about…
At the world premiere of The Assassination Of Alexander Hamilton By The Coward Raymond Burr
The movie itself is pretty good, even if "Kick the Can" was kind of weak, and when you're a kid seeing the "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet" segment on a big screen is just all kinds of fun. I also loved the opening segment and the reprise at the end. It's a nice movie to watch on an afternoon.
This was 1999. Even with the train between the concourses it was still an extremely tight connection - from arrival gate, down escalator, onto train, train transit time, then up the escalator to new concourse, O.J.-ing it to departure gate. Hartsfield's as familiar to me as the back of my hand but the vastness of the…
Once had to do that from Terminal C to Terminal A at Hartsfield in Atlanta on a very close connection. Which was…not fun.
A real period piece, perhaps with a ragtime soundtrack.
I will also attest to a cloud hanging over Twilight Zone: The Movie when it came out because the accident that killed Vic Morrow and those children had been in the headlines so much. I was too young at the time to really understand what had happened (I was 10 and as a devoted TZ fan wanted to see the movie regardless)…
I've spent a good bit of time in rural Alaska (where friend in my comment above lives) during fire season and there's usually a tanker or two on standby at the local airfield. My appreciation of Always increased even more after my first time there.
Always has a very special spot in my heart too. Not just for the aviation angle (and since aviation has been part of my life just about forever, I especially like how the film depicts regular people who just happen to work in aviation, instead of having them be cocky hotshots). But the relationship among Dreyfuss,…