Stanley J. Krammerhead III Jr.

Nobody cares about your home life, we're talking about Walking Dead.

So the Family Ties and Trick or Treat royalties don't keep him liquid enough to afford Pop Tarts?

At my house it's quality peanut butter night.  None of that cheap store-brand shit tonight, it's Skippy all the way, baby!  It's fuckin' Sunday!

Dude. I wasn't making fun of you, I was making a joke about somebody calling you Leonard Maltin. That was Martin Short's impression of Leonard Maltin that he used to do on Letterman and other talk shows ages ago. To truly visualize it you have to imagine him being all chipper for the first part of the sentence, and

She was the worst part of the finale, for sure, but she can't be blamed for it sucking, because it would have sucked hard enough without her.

The candy bar sucks.  It's just so much fluff.

The swords were made out of Nerf.

Fastandsloppy: "There were parts of The Three Musketeers that I really liked, but then there were other parts that I didn't like at all."

Did you read the Pevear translation?  I've perused it a little and was thinking of getting it, but I really didn't like the Pevear and Volokhonsky translation of The Master and Margarita, finding the Burgin/O'Connor or even the original Ginsburg translation much better.  I also hate Pevear's overuse of endnotes for

Style over any anything resembling actual substance, and an anal-retentive attention to detail while still managing to get those details all wrong, yep, that's steampunk for ya.

It has its appeal, but unfortunately, in practice, none of it's actually very good at all, except maybe for the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comic.  Most of it's trash.  I'm not talking about 19th-and-early-20th-Century speculative fiction, of course, because that's only considered "steampunk" in retrospect.  And

When I saw the preview I said, "They should have called it The Three Matrix-teers, amirite?"

Well, except for Doctor Who nerds, that is, a group renowned for their keenly discriminating tastes.

My exact reaction as well, Girard. Then I find out there's a shitload of people here that think she's absolutely fucking great. The mind boggles.

It real(istical)ly sucks.

I'd never heard of her until her first Office appearance.  Let's just say I was underwhelmed and leave it at that.

Woo hoo.  Fucking great.  Now every time she opens her fucking mouth I get to have a horrifying reminder of all the money I'm probably going to have to shell out for expensive orthodontic work once my kid grows up and loses her baby teeth.

I like the title Eat Drink Man Woman because it reminds me of David Letterman's best joke, by far, the time he hosted the Oscars, which was that "Eat drink man woman" was how Arnold Schwarzenegger asked Maria Shriver out on a date.

Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mama's Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feeling So Sad > any of those mentioned