
Clara's storyline was about Christmas anyway!

Matt Smith = very good, Moffat = not so good.

But did it have to be a town called Christmas, which was in a perpetual state of Christmassy activity all year round? The whole thing felt like an incredibly contrived way of conveying "the Doctor saves Christmas" through symbolism. Loathed that bit.

That's racist.

Capone knows that Torrio put a hit on him; Torrio knows that Capone put a hit on him. They make that clear in their interactions.

Torrio's dialogue in the hospital struck me as a defeated man giving everything he has to the man who bested him.

Awww, baby's first troll.

"And that’s how we find ourselves at the episode completely in iambic heptameter. "

Voted F to drag down the average towards my preferred grade.

Just get King to direct it himself, it's not like he's a rookie.

It was a B-, then a B+. He probably meant the first edit to be C+ and mistyped it.

What's so funny about that? He just meant he had secured a big enough budget to bribe the jury.

Yeah, can't get more safe and inoffensive than Scandal or Criminal Minds or Hannibal or Dracula.

Cary's lecturing moment of moral outrage struck me as really weird and out of character, but I chalked it up him trying to adjust to his new role, rather than the show being ham-fisted about the horrors of deportation.

Guess we'll be seeing Low Winter Sun in the the post-Walking Dead spot next season.

AMC just renewed Hell on Wheels.

This gets a pilot, but the rather similar "Chew" gets rejected? Guess we know who would win a Zombie vs. Asian match-up.

Speak English please. Nobody can understand you.

You know a reviewer is trying to be generous to a show when he lists "some of the strongest special effects on ABC" as a plus.

Noooo! Suits will never survive the loss of Katrina Bennett! This should be illegal!