
It's doing slightly better than Rubicon.

Judging by the ratings, it's very possible that AMC's only scripted shows to survive into 2014 will be Mad Men and TWD.

Couldn't they just yank this from the schedule and replace it with Small Town Security reruns?


Under the dome, presumably.

SJ was not supposed to be of average intelligence. She was the brightest investigative journalist at her paper, and that initially made her interesting for the Doctor in "Robot".

I'd argue it's not stupid at all and in fact perfectly reasonable. What else would the two groups have called themselves? Neo-humans vs. new humans? A group vs. B group? Peopleclosertothemountains vs. Peoplenotsoclosetothemountains?

Leela was decent, but didn't bring as much independence to the table as her introduction promised. Generally, I'd break down 4's companions into two groups: Romana I + II + Adric (non-humans who act in accordance with their character background) and everybody else (supposedly adult human companions who've actually

I'm not sure what all the commonly stated reasons are, but I know that the story has had a lot of buzz for decades now. The first sentences of the post you linked confirm that. In terms of giving fans what they want, I think it would have been a better choice than Reign of Terror.

I love The Crusades too, but the missing serial that I most enjoyed listening to was "The Enemy of the World". It's weird, because you'd think the story would be boring without its visual gimmick, but it was riveting from start to finish. Great twist, too.

Why, oh why did they pick this one to restore? My working theory is that the team was asked to restore the much-heralded "The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve" and confused it with "Reign of Terror".

You could make the case for a straight A, but I'd disagree. At its very best, this show can combine humor and drama effortlessly in one storyline, but last night was pretty short on humor.

For the first time, this show gets the grade it deserves.

If there's anything TV needs, it's a reasonably competent, sort of compelling to watch cop drama whose action is not exactly motivated, but at least performed handsomely.

Doctor Who went from week days (where it had pulled record low numbers) to early Saturday evenings when it was revived a couple year ago. Obviously, that was a horrible mistake. They've since moved the show back to Mondays at 10 PM.

I can't be mad at this show. I know in my heart that it's deeply flawed, but I'd probably watch 8 seasons of it anyway.

Sinéad Cusack

Wouldn't really matter if it was, there's tons of filler.

The first three or four episodes are exactly what "standard cop show #365" would look like if it did a small town murder mystery. If you did a cliche drinking game, you'd be dead within minutes. The resolution is surprisingly tasteful though.

I agree; and I think that season three arc is actually the pinnacle of the show.