Wood Beez

With no time to think about it, "Hard to Explain."

For me, Jet's lasting legacy is that Pitchfork review of Shine On, which was just a youtube video of a chimp drinking its own piss.

What ever happened to "randy?"

Its titties, it's titties and the Lane Lane Lane Lane…

That was some great healthily hostile sex.

I could watch Lane and Joan talk all day.

This is definitely a slow show – to the point where I question why half the people who claim to enjoy Mad Men actually watch it – and I really don't find that to be a problem at all.  There were some lovely moments in this episode, but I have to hope we don't see more 2-hour episodes anytime soon.  Might be too much

I like a woman with imperfect teeth.  For some reason some extra spacing or some snaggle really does it for me.

See I really liked Brighten at first and nowadays it starts losing me when Malkmus sings, "and one of uuuuuuus is a lovely blue incandescent guillotine."  After that I kinda' cease to give a shit until "Fin."

T-Dawes infects us all with that sweet Laurel Canyon sound.

This is likely.  It's been established that Carl doesn't know what his dick is for.

T-Dawggg is like a jazz musician.  His genius isn't what he says, but what he doesn't say.

Troy and Abed killing zooooooombies.

My favorite Carl moment is when, after seeing the brutal deaths of his friends (and Jimmy), witnessing the killing of his surrogate father-figure at the hands of his actual father, and abandoning the place his whole party had considered safe for an entire season, he blurts out, "I'm cold," like anybody fucking cares.


You do realize that the point of commenting is to comment on what the person said, right?

I'm convinced there are no female writers on this show, and it's written entirely by men who feel like they're manipulated by inconceivably horrible women and secretly long for a zombie apocalypse so they can reinvent themselves as the badasses they know they are deep down inside.

My immediate reaction was, "This is what happens Lori.  This is what happens."

How about actually cutting off the actor's hand?  Let's not rule out that option.

I'm not devastated that Steven from The Room (Who the hell is that guy?) is gone.  Did the woman have any lines?