Ernest Borgnine

But what, Kevin? But what?!

ladies and gentlemen, the only sober viewer of adult swim.

ladies and gentlemen, the only sober viewer of adult swim.

i more inferred it from "space ghost".

i more inferred it from "space ghost".

when you smoke weed with others, you don't share the same piece?

when you smoke weed with others, you don't share the same piece?

i imagine him to be a true terror around the office; he was playing nice in that vid but modell just lost the privilege of speaking to him for two weeks for violating his "no eye contact" rule.

i imagine him to be a true terror around the office; he was playing nice in that vid but modell just lost the privilege of speaking to him for two weeks for violating his "no eye contact" rule.

imagine hamilton singing "fix you". it works. i want to hear that shit.

imagine hamilton singing "fix you". it works. i want to hear that shit.

of course. gotta make plenty of time for that liz/chris procreation arc

of course. gotta make plenty of time for that liz/chris procreation arc

well, i loved it. i thought it was the best of theirs that i'd seen in a while.

well, i loved it. i thought it was the best of theirs that i'd seen in a while.

i'll say. i think it was just a bit of absurdity that came off a little too obvious. did kind of seem like a bad family guy gag.

i'll say. i think it was just a bit of absurdity that came off a little too obvious. did kind of seem like a bad family guy gag.

nice try, nabin.

nice try, nabin.

that's what i was wondering. it seems like there might be a mid-season break after the next episode, which i guess would afford them relevancy.