Inanimate Carbon Rod

I just think the review is quite positive, and the letter grade the review is pointing to is higher than a C+. Of course, letter grades should not be the be-all end-all. But some people probably just note the letter grade, don't read the review, and decide it must've been a weak episode. The reviewer here does NOT

Then there's the whole Laugh-alympics thing. Same basic idea.

I think it goes along with the other handicapped/challenged characters in the show. They may have challenges, but they are also people. Some are funny (jimmy), some are sweet (timmy), and some are assholes (nathan). The characters have personalities and interests beyond just being 'special'.



Can't something just be a take? Can't the joke be that the adults are fired up for the return of a shitty animated show from their childhoods? Maybe the comment is just that once again the adults in this town are just children with jobs.

Solid review that completely pointed to a B or B+. So you give it a C+ because after 250 episodes they 'should' do this or that? You seemed to like the whole episode, laugh, and nod knowingly. Let's not SHOULD them to death…

How is it a remake? And why would CW fans care at all about a movie from 2006, when they were 4 years old? Just make a show about a magician and conjure up your own title. There's no trick to it, it's just a simple trick!

Just watched the second episode. What a mess. Who the fuck cares about Gideon and Frenchy McTerribleBlondeCut? And so now charlotte is hooked on coke, tries to kill herself, and then murders her sister? swish!

Seriously, that umbrella doesn't break under that giant dude shoving the door?

Thanks for the coverage! Man, this show should've gone for one dynamite season and called it quits. Maybe 2, if they didn't waste a year on THE AMERICON INITIATIVE (what was that again?) Charlotte is the worst. THE WORST, JERRY!

Good for him. Now grade that thing and sell it!

Let's not 'should' them to death, Oliver. You obviously have keen observations about how to produce good television. Maybe make your own show? All your reviews are just a laundry list of things wrong with the show. (this and especially Gotham, which, agreed, needs work). You could at least speak about what

She appears in my dreams quite a bit.

I'd put Pink in the 'much more talented' group too.

Yay for fucking and drinking!

Grande definitely doesn't need to be there, she sounds weak and airy compared to Jessie J. But they are smart to package as many 'hot' singers as they can on it.

Bang Bang is great. It's like a spiritual cousin to the girl-group "Lady Marmalade" cover from however long ago that was.

Wait, was Luke Wilson in Idiocracy? He's totally qualified for this then.

- I gotta see about a corporation.