Inanimate Carbon Rod

The whole ren faire stuff is classic.

one of my all time favorite moments, in one of my all time favorite episodes.  Although there's about a billion good ones in this episode we are discussing this week.

I've tried to enjoy this review… as kitsch, as camp, as a cautionary example.  Frankly I'll be glad when I click onto porn and never have to see it again!

partial credit !!

You know what I love about the Simpsons?  This episode.  Man, I must've seen it…… Twice!

Makes me happy that they must NOT have tried to get real OnStar.  You are right, they would have jumped at it i;m sure.

I think they heard your comments from the Pilot.  They called it REVALATION all night.  Never the S added.

Great idea!  Totally need to see Abby on Icky's turf.

I just rewatched South Park BLUncut.  The demons when kenny goes to hell were way better than the floor demons.  Mmmmmm, floor demons….

she totally locked him in the car.  STAY HERE!

Agrestic?  Sorry, that's weeds.

I actually thought it was the actor who plays POPE on Falling Skies, the first time I saw ads for Sleepy Hollow.  How weird would he have been as Ichabod?

Icky has chemistry with everything, that's for sure.  I got a Jenny/Icky vibe.  I think they'd do best to never have him hook up with anybody.  He's gotta be true to his weird witch wife.

You guys know that Torv is going to be in a new show as a lesbian right? 

I've got a bit of a man crush on him.  Scruffy and suave.  Han Solo of the Revolution?

doog has it just right.  He was locked IN.   I love how they didn't spoon feed us the whole thing, and we have to figure out from the end of the call how we got here, and how they started talking about lost love.

The OnStar thing such a great bit of 'Ichabod is a 1700s James Bond' fluff.  Of course, Icky could tell the OnStar lady such an eloquent tale of lost love, that he is able to provide her with some deep catharsis about her own love life. 

Yes, it was supposedly Sons of Liberty (white bostonians) dressed as 'Indians', whooping it up and dumping the tea.  Which would be a fine cover for Icky and his buddies. 

Sweet Hunter reference !!!

@fursa_saida:disqus I grew up in Lex too!  Estabrook FTW!