Inanimate Carbon Rod

Still banking on Lourdes as the mole.  Vice Pres. is being set up to LOOK like the shady mole.  Tom figured out there was a tracking device on the plane.  Lourdes brought a perfectly timed 'medical kit' to them right before they left…

Yes!  Thank you!  If you are gonna do a sequel DO FUCKING INCREDIBLES 2 !!  That is the one and only one that really makes sense to do sequels!!!

No, no no no no no no no.  No.  stop it.

Boo-urns.   I'm still waiting for 'The Bloodhound Gang' movie!

Oh, and I loved Needful Things (the book).  Was there a movie of that one?

Hope it's good !!

The Talisman would be nigh-impossible to pull off.  I'd say Del Toro could do it without is being super-cheesy.

I think the little 'blind' girl from Langoliers has gotta be top 5 worst child actors ever!  She could NOT stop her eyes from following everything happening.  And the kid from the TV 'shining' (baby fish-mouth as we call him), is right up there.  Oh, also 'The Shining' TV show adds to my feelings of [shudder].

There is such a sheen of 80s cheese on those two.  They aren't horrible, but if you watched them now, you'd cringe a lot.  Bad tv acting, terrible effects.  My main problem is neutering the awful shit that King puts his characters through for TV.   And Parker Lewis and Ringwold and John Ritter etc, etc, did not really

first decent line Matt has gotten in 3 years.

Yeah, totally Lourdes.  Cuz what the fuck else is she gonna do on this show?

Great to see the XO, playing exactly the same character (we'll get to the drinking, I'm sure).  The damn alien baby shit is sucking, big time.

Hopeful for 'Dome'.  Then I remember 'It' and 'The Stand' miniseries.  [shudders]

Eh, he had his moments.

Oh, and I would buy the SHIT out of some Uncle Ant or Disgruntled Goat.

I've got a BORT , but it is a keychain of homer and bart on the simpsons ride.  not a license plate unfortunately.  still gold, jerry.  gold.

The whole expensive bible rant, along with the 'except the weasel' bit, are my two favorite Homer bits ever, I think.

The whole expensive bible rant, along with the 'except the weasel' bit, are my two favorite Homer bits ever, I think.

I promise I will never hurt you!!!

No.  The mule is a much better actor at this point.