What's wrong with setting tables?
What's wrong with setting tables?
I think it might also help test how the show does in other time slots.
Exactly, when I saw the trailer they made before the second half started. I figured the "Greendale 7" thing would be an episode for itself. So, I (and most— if not all of us) would agree it needed more time.
To be fair,this episode moved through a lot of plot points— and all very quickly. We had a funeral/eulogy, then a riot, then an expulsion hearing. Perhaps it would have been better with some more breathing room.
Britta is the BEST! Around! Nothing's ever gonna keep her down!
I'm going through some stuff right now, Troy. Don't worry about it.
I know it said something about would you watch a show called… something. It flashed by too quickly to read.
For a second there I thought that "Asian Jess" was "Asian Annie." Does that make me racist? Does the fact that I feel bad about possibly being a racist make it more okay?
That was so bizarre, but not really I guess.
What else do you need?
Loved April listing off the things she cares about.
… and that was the movie "Babe."
Was there any doubt about the "A" for this episode?
I thought Shirley nailed it in her appearances as well. You go girl!
I used to say things like objection and sidebar.
Where can I find some organic mushrooms for my risotto?
That's what you get when you break bad.
Man's gotta have a code.
Never got to hear what he had to say about the North, though.
It's a crossover hit!