The Robo Boogie

If that is what it comes to, then I say we put it on FX with Archer.

I just want my kids- err "Community" back.

Seriously, why couldn't they just do what they did last time, and put on a three hour comedy block?!

There are no white women here, Leonard.

Sandee is getting pretty awesome. I like the way this girl thinks.


"I shot Daryl"

I thought it was awesome how game the Gap employee was- and the intercom person (are we supposed to believe that Jeff actually shops at the Gap?) But, yeah what's up with Jeff missing a target?

I refuse to see that as a bad thing.

I like how they basically spelled out the "formula" for every episode. Where everything escalates and they yell over each other.

Would you marry Maya Rudolf? Then, when she dies unexpectedly- and you bonk another chick, would you stick you dick in the ghost of Maya Rudolf while standing naked in the cemetery making violent sex noises?

Agreed as well- the actors are great, they were great from week one. I think the issue the show had (particularly last week, or two) was inconsistency with writing.

As if I (we?) needed another reason to dislike country music. They took away our Happy Endings.

There's so much material to be mined there. Not sure what kind of apartment has those though, but then again I don't live in a big city.

Show is tight. It's tighter than tight.

They seemed really large. It may have been the camera angle, and she is probably kind of tall, but still. It was weird that they were praising them in the scene in the car.

So, where's the former student chick?

+ Jean-Ralphio!

Ooh, I have a travel-sized feelings stick. It can replace your broken one.

Get me a small man's wetsuit, please.