cadillac walk

What about the director of Face Jam?

You ain't fat! You ain't nothin'!

And how does it make him feel?

Maybe he was chicken.

Liked it when it came out. Does not hold up well.

Maybe I just expected more. It was all over the place.

Magnolia blows it away. So does There Will Be Blood. So does Boogie Nights.

Yeah, but then Inherent Vice sucked.


He should have a number 6 done on him.

Just never did it for me.

Ted Cruz is near!

Now who can argue with that?

The movie was bad enough.

Billy Zayn?

What, a guy can't stop off for a cold one?

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

[Uploads Dead Kennedys "Too Drunk To Fuck"]


Eddie Van Halen.