I'm talking about River's Edge. Who's on first?!
I'm talking about River's Edge. Who's on first?!
He was Layne. One of Keanu's boys. It was a big role.
I laugh my ass off every time he gets shot in the foot.
Glover was in it. If we're talking about River's Edge.
Either way, you'd be Infamous.
Hopper was great in River's Edge. So was Crispin Glover.
If we're lucky. Can't Mick Jones put an end to this?
Sugar Ray makes my ears bleed. Then I start to shit Gummy Bears.
I saw Badlands open for Tesla in '89. Badlands proceeded to blow Tesla off the stage.
No, but N.W.H. did.
It's an illusion.
Now You See Me 2: DO U C HE is there
At least he's a Social D fan. So he's got that going for him.
Hell yes!
They look like the gang from Colors.
We'll stop at 4:20.
Mary Jane?
Hey bud, it's hard to weed out the good puns.
Is Alex Skolnick playing guitar on this?