Godzilla II: Tokyo Drift
Godzilla II: Tokyo Drift
City Of Godzilla
The Godzillafather
Clapton Is Godzilla
Oh God!(zilla): Book II
Spring Breakers 2: Canada: Guns N' Hosers
That might be the worst sequel ever.
Drop that zero and get with the hero!
But his hair was hilarious.
Leave Jackie D. alone!
Star Trek III: You Khan't Be Serious
So that's what's backing up the shitters on these cruises?
It stands for "Van Hagar Sucks"
You got the shit part right.
Buffalo vs. Cleveland last year was great!
Death to Greys!
-Jason Falkner
He's eating a peach.
That is one of the funniest outtakes I've ever heard.
He never has any smokes though.