
I'd heard that if you listen to "How You Remind Me" ten times consecutively the ghost of Rock & Roll itself comes out of the mirror and severs your throat with a razor sharp guitar string. You're lucky to be alive, Rabin…

"Chit'lin Circuit" actually. But I'm with you on the hate, so why split hairs over soul food inspired titles.

All of this discussion and a completely unnecessary link to his review in the article and people still get angry at Armond for doing what he does. Is he an abysmal, anti-intellectual reviewer who's contrarian for the sake of grabbing attention? Of course. But he's winning because he gets the attention he seeks. And

I'd definitely be more inclined to wager Knight & Day B-, Grown Ups D+

15 Worst Westerns About Deformed People

No doubt. But I mean, in real life, how exciting is a "deal memo"? I guess I get what you're saying, that in reality it's all sort of on the same level in terms of banality for your average spectator. God knows I wouldn't shell out season tickets to watch heart surgery. At least not unless it's in the first couple of

Am I missing the sarcasm or…?
"Maybe the problem is that no one has found a way to make a deal memo as pulse-pounding as open-heart surgery or a murder trial—even though in real life, all those things are equally routine."

At least have the decency, the NOBILITY, to only put your link in your profile. People who do that… not so bad. Likable, really…

"The stupid thing about "only the penitent man may pass" is that you think just seeing guys heads get lobbed off would cue that yuo should duck. What do you need the riddle for?"

Thirding and / or fourthing Bane. BANE!!!

Even more disappointing than the climactic shootout in The Lookout was the pat resolution where (SPOILERS) JGL dodges jail time, life is looking up, and oh yeah, he's going to have some potential reconciliation with his pops AND the ex-girlfriend he maimed in a car accident. A smart, interesting film decided to go the

"Oh lord Raimi is an idiot. There is no crime her to even be punished. The bank is not responsible for supporting this woman. "

"I always thought the best ending would have been her boyfriend being dragged into hell, and her having to live with the fact that it was her fault for the rest of her life."

Nobody's to make a "what did the five fingers say to the Face" reference? I mean if there was EVER a time…

The adults here are really looking for wit and "execution" (presumably good execution as opposed to just execution itself, which might be a given) in an A-Team movie?

All of these loosers should work harder to become tighters.

Sweep the neck!

"For real, so the actors look like they're having fun? AWFUL

I was beginning to think there wasn't a soul on this site who thought this movie might at least pass for ridiculous action fun. Count me in the group of folks planning to see this and hoping it's a halfway exciting way to pass a couple of hours at the flicks.

Too soon? Hardly. Too nonsensical? Perhaps, since Aaliyah died in a plane crash. Now Left Eye…