Newt Gingrich

And less funny.

It's the "Cape Feare" rule of comedy.

I don't know what you all are complaing about. Mr. Ratner is a great American talent, whose films Calista and I enjoy greatly.

More like Hell on TV, am I right, folks?

That is one of my least favourite TV "jokes." Like you said, it has been on thousands of shows, and there is always that character who had no idea what it meant and thus, apparently, never watched TV in his fucking life.

Totally with you on that one.
"Don't do that! Look, you asked me to act natural, I'm acting natural - in fact, under the circumstances, I think I ought get a fuckin' Academy Award for how natural I'm acting."

Did anyone hear Carolla talking about her auditioning for one of his failed pilots? She was mystified that she had to audition in the first place, then seemed to breakdown when she realized the wall her career had struck. Carolla said it was incredibly awkward, though who can blame her for a meltdown at the prospect

Who knew Phil liked the darker ladies? I guess his obsession with Gloria doesn't run deep enough.

I didn't quite understand where they were going with that either. After he said it the camera cut to Cam brushing off Jay's shoulders, so I think they meant it as Jay the tough guy, but it works just as well, if not way funnier, with the prison rape angle.

I laughed my ass off at that. Mitchell and Cam's reactions were pretty great, too.

I can't believe no-one picked up on this being a "Pine Barrens" tribute.
Driving a Caddy, Frank's leather jacket, crazy guy in the trunk, stranded in the Jersey woods.
Come on, people.

That's very interesting, though just as likely coincidental.

Fresh was brilliant, and Esposito was great in it. I agree, the role is very much a precursor to Gus; he even has his rules, etc., in Fresh.

Well, hot dog! We have a weiner!

I will defend to the death "Blame It on Lisa," though I'm amazed to see that it was from the 13th season.

The Fox and Friends are obsessed with Hooters, and yet don't seem to realize how hypocritical that makes them look.

The two new episodes this season have made me laugh, and I've barely watched new eps going on 6-7 seasons now. 
I agree with wanting it to go out on its own terms, with a little bit of planning. With 20+ years on TV, and countless people amused, pulling the rug out is no way to go.

Bring back John Swatzwelder!
And Unkie Herb, A. Brooks, etc.

Suffice it to say, he makes me queasy.

Is there anything Newman can't do? The man was in Jurassic Park, the greatest movie of all the 90's.