
I enjoyed this much more than The Sound of Music, and I didn't see Peter Pan. I was really into it until they kept interrupting the rising action and climax portions with ad breaks. For me that completely sucked all the energy out of the show. Maybe the breaks were necessary for set and costume changes, but just

Lou and Hank don't cover an obvious point of egress while sneaking up on their suspect, but Schmidt's the shit cop? Pot: meet kettle.

You can still manually lock the doors.

Because you fucked up? I think it's just that you fucked up.

Well, as much as I enjoy Nick Offerman's scenes, I don't think his acting has been particularly great.

*points to self* *mouths "me?!"*

I'm not sure that's well-established or that we can ever know that that's the case, but it doesn't matter whether it's the narrative equivalent of a dream sequence; it's the creative equivalent.

There is nothing—NOTHING—worse in television drama than a full-episode dream sequence or equivalent. It's the most obvious example of a writer saying "I don't know how to move this story along in a way that respects my audience, so I'm just going to masturbate for an hour and hope it gets me an Emmy." If I were on the

I'm so glad I stuck with this show after a fantastic 1st season. This season has just been fantastic! Coon and King better get Emmy nominations.

"Freddy!" —Peggy Olson

The implication is that Don went back to the only home that would have
him—McCann, where Peggy extended a perpetual welcome—and applied his
newfound insights to launch an iconic Coke campaign.

Now he's back with Trudy, and those two are going to become exactly what they've always wanted to be: big fish in a small pond.

I hear/read a lot of people saying/typing/tweeting something along the lines of "Pete's the last guy to deserve a happy ending." Feelings about Pete aside, if you think this is going to be a "happy ending" for Campbell, I have to question how much you've been paying attention to this show.


Who is John Galt? (sorry)

You'll pay! Don't think you won't pay!

He's right, you know…

So, SO glad to have someone on the Mad Men beat who offers insightful criticism, uncovering connections that I never saw rather than asking obvious questions that everyone already asked and answered before they got here. This is why I read AV Club.

I dunno, maybe I'm a psychopath, but I LOVE re-watching Long Term Parking. The acting and pacing in that episode are just so brilliant.

"Jurassic Bark" is just a kick right to the stomach.