"A cool, non-profit organization"
Thank christ-I don't want my money going to some nerdy, awkward charitable organization.
Personally, I thought last night's episode was great, and I loved the "Edmund Fitzgerald" reference. Honestly, though, they gotta do something with Andi-fast-or just get rid of her altogether; she has absolutely no chemistry with anyone on that show, and every scene she's in she just drags down…
What's next?
"The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel-The Album"?
Hey, if you see Morgan Webb there, can you slap her for me? And a double to Olivia Munn if she's there-those chicks suck.
It means he gets results, you stupid chief!
other than myself, yes. Yes, I do.
Satellites are only $1,000?
Fuck, I could put my own in orbit any day now…
I've never liked Anne Hathaway-she always struck me as a bitch.
@ Fudd
You mean you don't like Nomenasno?
The enitre Nomenasno catalogue
including "One"
Well, Elle, when your boyfriend leaves you for another man, you can cry on my shoulder…provided my wife isn't crying on the other one because she didn't marry Paul Rudd…
The best thing about Howard the Duck?
I think they're both great, and I can understand their mutual appeal to many ladies/homosexuals…however, I have a better handle on my sexuality than to "go gay" for 'em..I mean, c'mon guys, at the end of the day, that's a dick in your ass and one in your mouth. Isn't it enough to just, you know, like them and respect…
I got nuthin' left….
Wow-just fucking awful…at least now you and her have something in common-severe head trauma.
This 'aint a scene…
it's a goddamn travesty.
As a Canadian, I will never vote Republican, for I am a socialist pig.
how 'bout a "Hand Shandy"