He assigns stars to his reviews because they are used in a newspaper.
He assigns stars to his reviews because they are used in a newspaper.
For a direct comparison, feel free to consult Fold's 'Time', in which Yankovic sings backing vocals.
No, Ween is about as blue collar as a rock band gets.
The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota
I met Bayless once, he was, no shit, unbelievably nice and nothing like his on-air persona.
I get not liking Simmons, even though I do, but I think you're selling the variety of topics they're covering way short. The level of writing is also consistently high.
Grantland is fucking awesome.
"Who's your favorite Koopa? Call me Iggy, call me Ludwig….."
It's in a different key and doesn't have the "dadada, dadada" part at the end of the progression, but it's still close enough that it might as well be the same thing. That they're both semi-bluesy doesn't really help either. I also never said I hated it, I said it was distracting and keeps me from enjoying the…
I like Adele, a lot, but I can't listen to Rolling In The Deep because the chord progression in the chorus is a mimic of 'Gimme Shelter' and all I can hear in my head is 'War, children, it's just a shot away, it's just a shot away' instead of whatever she's singing.
The Fonz himself is currently tapping on every jukebox in the greater Milwaukee area trying to find the keystone that will end your entrapment.
If you get both barrels firing well,
then you're a shotgun.
If you get both barrels firing well,
then you're a shotgun.
Slutty, slutty windows.
Don't get the Dorne/Iron Islands hate.
Not Game of Thrones, but definitely Daenerys.
You are most certainly not real.
Shit is now, officially, real.