
Sorry, buddy. You are still wonderful and great, and I love you, but you peed into yourself. While that is hilarious, it's also kind of pathetic.

Let's just assume this is the case so we don't have to examine this potential plot hole further?

And her date's reaction! And Cece's trying to convince him that's how Winston pronounces "rhubarb." That Winston-Cece thing scene was…just fantastic.

It was a good episode, but it was SO FUNNY. So many laughs per minute, I'm going to have to apologize to my neighbors.

I really enjoyed how Nick avoided confrontation—and how he was the one who needed the No Nail Rule. Because he can't help himself. I can't deal with it.

When did Schmidt become my least favorite of the roommates?! (Jess, Nick, and Winston were on FIRE tonight.)

I like it.

IMO, one of the major premises of the show is to show that people can be optimistic and funny at the same time.  So much television, especially comedy, is based on anger and sarcasm and making fun of people, and while some some characters do that, Parks overall is a happy place to be.

Such a good episode. I was missing Harris again though. (I suppose two appearances in a row would be too much, wouldn't it?)

You want another Ian Roberts appearance? he was in the pilot and Woman of the Year, as the girls' soccer coach. I would totally be in favor of that, though!

Oh for sure, they even touched on it in the s7 premiere: if you have chemistry, you have to have timing.

Right, but there's a reason that he placed the bet in the first place.

Mulaney's left SNL for the most part. So no Stefon. :(

Better than them aging ridiculously terribly at their college reunion. The one where they have sandwiches and ted asks "where's my wife?"

Seriously, girl is THE WORST at advice.

Such a good Ted moment. I really enjoyed that.

Especially when said character doesn't even appear in an episode.

Yeah, I realized it right after I posted it, but I do my crosswords in ink. Editing is not something I like to do. I was confusing him with Carl the Park Ranger in my head (a mortal sin, I know).

I was almost hit by a Lexus the other day. I kind of wanted it to hit me, just so I could sing his song.

I love that he was counterfeiting EUROS. To be used probably in Pawnee. Oh, Jean-Ralphio.