
exactly. IRL its not always a bad idea to dx your kid because then you can get special services…but also sometimes kids are just weird.

exactly. IRL its not always a bad idea to dx your kid because then you can get special services…but also sometimes kids are just weird.

the harry potter line just killed me. those damn hufflepuffs.

the harry potter line just killed me. those damn hufflepuffs.

OK, America. Between this and the various rape talk from the GOP, I think it's about time America threw in the towel. Solid effort, but I think we're probably done here.

OK, America. Between this and the various rape talk from the GOP, I think it's about time America threw in the towel. Solid effort, but I think we're probably done here.

Clair is basically the best ever. I love how she was always saying "well let the RECORD SHOW" and then you knew you were in trouble.

Clair is basically the best ever. I love how she was always saying "well let the RECORD SHOW" and then you knew you were in trouble.

Yeah, I think Cosby was remarkable less for talking about race and more for NOT talking about it. The comparison to homosexuality is definitely apt. there are ways in which it's even more important to treat being black or gay or WHATEVER isn;t straight white rich Christian as just as facet of oneself, not as the end

Yeah, I think Cosby was remarkable less for talking about race and more for NOT talking about it. The comparison to homosexuality is definitely apt. there are ways in which it's even more important to treat being black or gay or WHATEVER isn;t straight white rich Christian as just as facet of oneself, not as the end

i fucking love this show.

i fucking love this show.

i;m hoping (against hope!) that it's his sister or something.

i;m hoping (against hope!) that it's his sister or something.

just fire that guy already. seriously.

just fire that guy already. seriously.

more like Turd Crapley, am I right?

more like Turd Crapley, am I right?

this seems like it's going to be one of those movies that takes a lot of work to watch.

this seems like it's going to be one of those movies that takes a lot of work to watch.