Larry Smathers

Growing up…
I started high school in 1982, and I recall having a lot of the same thoughts that Noel discusses regarding Journey and other arena rock bands of that ilk. In the late 70s and early 80s, we had something called the Speedway Jam, where bands like Journey, REO Speedwagon, the Nuge and those sorts (all at

Hearing those two selections from the Elektra box remind me how reliably good Elektra Records was, at least pre-1968 or so. For a certain style of folk music they couldn't be beat.

Is there a scene
Where a woman is "inflating" the auto-pilot? And then Leslie Nielsen walks in? Because that would be even better than the dabbing the undershirt thing.

You are incorrect, abcdefz.

Great pick

Oof, yes, the Whoopi show. That might even be worse than all the rest of these shows because it was actually proud of itself.


I used to think ZMF's posts were OK, but only because he'd get in, shout something ridiculous, and disappear. This whole new argumentative side of him is really tiresome. Play to your strengths, Zodie!

Meltzer Sucks
Richard Meltzer belongs to that school of "rock journalism" that should have been buried with Lester Bangs. All that crap about "this new Doors rekkid fucks your grandma with a mouth full of bubblegum" or whatever was played out in 1977, let alone 1997 when an editor actually saw fit to put it in print.

Toledo Ohio 1994
Greetings from Toledo! Did you hang out at Frankie's, Scott?

If you wear an ascot without a monocle, you're just half-assing it.

I gotta get my eyes checked.
I thought that said Harvey Fierstein.