
"Smashmouth was good stuff"

At least they acknowledged that that Skrillex is brostep


Because they are cute girls, no other explanation

I've been having this dilemma as well, I typically like the topics on Radiolab, but I really hate how maudlin they make it. Its annoying how on every subject jad (sp?) takes the stance towards the scientific approach and the other guy takes the spiritual approach. Its so predictable and never brings anything to the

Check out the podcast he appears on bi weekly, The Long Shot, pretty good stuff

Pepitone is my favorite comedian, coming from someone who listens to a lot of comedy podcasts. His delivery itself makes me laugh usually.

Sings The Greys is criminally underrated, easily their best album.


Don't know if there are any League of Legends players on avclub, but I might as well PLUG ANYWAY.

I'm perplexed to as how Podmass thought the improv group from last show was better than sappity tappity.

Shameless Plug?
Just started a comedy podcast with some bros. Even though its our first episode it was recorded in a Radio Studio, so it doesn't sound like people talking into their computer mics like a lot of other newer comedy podcasts.